
2017年12月18日—6ofthebiggestandmostspectacular2017recordsyoumighthavemissed·1.Largestwaterscreenprojection·2.Largestobjectunboxed·3.,Startingwithasinglebookpublishedfromaroomaboveagym,theiconicGuinnessWorldRecordsannualshavesoldover150millioncopiesinover40languages ...,2016年9月1日—AnillustrationofaheartshapeDonatetothearchiveAnillustrationofamagnifyingglass.,2016年9月8日—LudotheMaineCoonfromW...

6 of the biggest and most spectacular 2017 records you ...

2017年12月18日 — 6 of the biggest and most spectacular 2017 records you might have missed · 1. Largest water screen projection · 2. Largest object unboxed · 3.

Guinness World Records 2017

Starting with a single book published from a room above a gym, the iconic Guinness World Records annuals have sold over 150 million copies in over 40 languages ...

Guinness World Records 2017

2016年9月1日 — An illustration of a heart shape Donate to the archive An illustration of a magnifying glass.

Revealed: The record

2016年9月8日 — Ludo the Maine Coon from Wakefield in South Yorkshire measures a whopping 118.33 cm (3 ft 10.59 in) long and brings this record title back to ...

The Guinness World Records Store!

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Samsung GALAXY S5 體驗會功能概觀與心得分享
